Top Draper


Find here the most frequently asked questions about TOP DRAPER,

TUK, means: Technological Update Kit and TOP DRAPER is the brand.

Fazemos uma atualização do sistema de transporte de material, substituindo o caracol por esteiras. Não transformamos a plataforma. Alteramos o mínimo possível. No nosso projeto consideramos que as características do projeto original da plataforma devem ser preservadas evitando criar problemas que não existiam na plataforma. Criamos uma solução robusta e de fácil manutenção.
First of all, the belt. We use the well-known Raptor belts, manufactured by WCCO in the USA. In our project WE DO NOT USE valves, hydraulic pumps, oil reservoir, nor chains. We do not change the cutting system, the flexible system, the crop dividers, the knife drive gearcase, nor the original reel configuration.
TUK TOP DRAPER was developed by AGRISOLTEC, associated with other partners to develop and manufacture TUK TOP DRAPER, creating a robust, simple and low maintenance cost solution. The parts are produced with OEM quality.
Currently, only for John Deere Hydraflex 25, 30 and 35 ft platforms. Soon we will also make available to the CNH auger headers.
No, because we understand that as important as the design and installation of the kit on the machine, it is to have spare parts and to be available for periodic maintenance and to solve any problem. This is where our accredited partners come in. All sale, installation and support are done by the accredited partners.
The value varies from region to region due to transportation costs, taxes, etc. The approximate cost of the installed kit is approximately one-third of a new draper header.
Yes. Following the operator's manual instructions and excluding misuse or atypical situations (accidents), parts and service are under warranty in the first year of use.
The belts and other parts will be available at the TOP DRAPER accredited partners.

Currently, Brazil and South Africa. We are currently in negotiations with the USA, Bolivia and Uruguay.

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Especialista TOP DRAPER

Fale com nosso especialista em atualização de colheitadeiras caracol para draper e veja como recuperar seus grãos e seu lucro.

Especialista TOP DRAPER

Fale com nosso especialista em atualização de colheitadeiras caracol para draper e veja como recuperar seus grãos e seu lucro.